Funding - Grants

Grant Status Currently Funded
Division Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
Program Healthcare Delivery Research Program (HDRP)
Branch Healthcare Assessment Research Branch
PI Name Organization Name Project Title
(Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.)
Grant Number Awarded Dollars Fiscal Year Abstract Page URL Funding Announcement URL
Frerichs, Leah M Univ of North Carolina Chapel Hill Evaluating a Remotely Delivered, Digital Health Crc Screening Intervention Among Racially Diverse Patients of a Community Health Center 1R01CA273331-01A1 650993 2023
Kirchhoff, Anne C University of Utah A Randomized Controlled Trial to Improve Health Insurance Literacy and Surveillance Among Young Adult Cancer Survivors 5R01CA276825-02 613806 2024
Montgomery, Guy H Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Enhancing the Public Health Benefits of Mammography Screening By Informing Women of Both Breast Cancer and Breast Arterial Calcification Results: a Randomized Trial to Promote Cardiovascular Health 5R01CA251754-04 665018 2024