BRP-Funded Grants
Grant Status | Currently Funded |
Division | Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences |
Program | Behavioral Research Program (BRP) |
Initiatives |
Perception and Cognition Research to Inform Cancer Image Interpretation (R01) (PAR17-125) Perception and Cognition Research to Inform Cancer Image Interpretation (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) (PAR18-640) Perception and Cognition Research to Inform Cancer Image Interpretation (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) (PAR18-641) |
PI Name | Organization Name | Project Title (Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.) |
Grant Number | Awarded Dollars | Fiscal Year | Abstract Page URL | Funding Announcement URL |
Elmore, Joann G | University of California Los Angeles | Reader Accuracy in Pathology Interpretation and Diagnosis: Perception and Cognition (Rapid-Pc) | 5R01CA225585-05 | 600147 | 2022 | | |
Whitney, David V | University of California Berkeley | Isolating and Mitigating Sequentially Dependent Perceptual Errors in Clinical Visual Search | 5R01CA236793-05 | 304607 | 2023 | | |
Zuley, Margarita L | University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh | Sequential Reading Effects in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis | 5R01CA237827-04 | 450218 | 2023 | | |