BRP-Funded Grants

Grant Status Currently Funded
Division Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
Program Behavioral Research Program (BRP)
Branch Office of Associate Director
PI Name Organization Name Project Title
(Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.)
Grant Number Initiative
(Click for Funding Announcement)
Awarded Dollars Fiscal Year Abstract Page URL Funding Announcement URL
Irwin, Melinda L Yale University Trial of Exercise and Lifestyle (TEAL) in Women with Ovarian Cancer 5U01CA271278-03 CA21-031 1138226 2024
Nahum-Shani, Inbal Billie University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Novel Use of Mhealth Data to Identify States of Vulnerability and Receptivity to Jitais 5U01CA229437-04 OD17-004 614136 2021