DCCPS Grants Awarded in Response to an NIH PA/PAR Initiative
Initiative: Tobacco Control Regulatory Research - R01
Total Grants: 4 Total Dollars: $9,038,510
PI Name | Organization Name | Project Title (Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.) |
Grant Number | Abstract Page URL |
Berg, Carla J | Emory University | Market Research to Predict Emerging Tobacco Product Use in Diverse Young Adults | 1R01CA179422-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8576961&term=CA179422 |
Stepanov, Irina | University of Minnesota | Constituent yields and biomarkers of exposure for tobacco product regulation | 1R01CA179246-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8574995&term=CA179246 |
Stepanov, Irina | University of Minnesota | Nornicotine in smokeless tobacco as a precursor for carcinogen exposure | 1R01CA180880-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8604932&term=CA180880 |
Strasser, Andrew | University of Pennsylvania | Using Eye Tracking to Understand and Improve Graphic Warning Label Effectiveness | 1R01CA180929-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8576584&term=CA180929 |