DCCPS Grants Awarded in Response to an NIH PA/PAR Initiative
Initiative: NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13/U13)
Total Grants: 6 Total Dollars: $72,560
PI Name | Organization Name | Project Title (Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.) |
Grant Number | Abstract Page URL |
Kavanaugh-Lynch, Marion H | University of California Sys Office/Pres | 2013 California Breast Cancer Research Symposium From Research to Action a Decade | 1R13ES022921-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8532573&term=ES022921 |
Kohler, Betsy A | North American Assn/Central Cancer Reg | First Combined Conference of the North American Association of Central Cancer Reg | 1R13CA186653-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8719691&term=CA186653 |
Olson, Sara H | Sloan-Kettering Inst Can Research | Advances in Endometrial Cancer Epidemiology and Biology | 1R13CA180637-01A1 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8720267&term=CA180637 |
Singh, Aarti | Carnegie-Mellon University | 15th IMS New Researchers Conference | 1R13EB017582-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8597223&term=EB017582 |
Thornton, Timothy Alvin | University of Washington | Impact of large-scale genomic data on statistical and quantitative genetics | 1R13HG007506-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8597638&term=HG007506 |
Wang, Sophia | City of Hope/Beckman Research Institute | Bridging the gap from discovery to survival in the InterLymph Consortium | 1R13CA183132-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8650541&term=CA183132 |