Grant Details
Grant Number: |
1R03CA216011-01A1 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Manning, Mark |
Organization: |
Wayne State University |
Project Title: |
Normative Messages to Promote Colorectal Cancer Screening Uptake Among African Americans |
Fiscal Year: |
2018 |
Project Summary/Abstract
Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains one of the leading causes of cancer mortality in the United States for
both men and women. Despite gains in CRC survival, African Americans (AAs) still fare worse in CRC
incidence and mortality compared to European Americans (EA). Given that CRC incidence and mortality are
directly related to CRC screening, this disparity can be attributed to the corresponding screening disparity
wherein AAs are less likely to attend CRC screening compared to EAs. It follows that interventions to increase
CRC screening intentions and subsequent CRC screening behaviors among AAs are instrumental in
addressing the disparities in CRC incidence and mortality. Video-based interventions have been used
effectively in a number of CRC screening interventions aimed at AAs’ CRC screening knowledge and
behaviors. Additionally, interventions that target individuals’ perceptions of behavioral norms have successfully
influenced people’s engagement across a number of health behaviors; however, despite their promise, norm-
based messages have not been utilized for CRC screening interventions with AAs. For the current study we
will use an experimental design to examine the extent to which injunctive and descriptive norm messages
about CRC screening influence AAs’ normative perceptions and CRC screening intentions. We will also
examine the extent to which racial identity and group-based medical mistrust moderate the effects of norm
messages. Finally, we will explore the effects of norm messaging on CRC screening uptake. We will test the
following specific aims:
Aim 1: To (a) examine the unique effects of injunctive norm and descriptive norm messages on
normative perceptions, CRC screening intentions, and (b) to explore whether the norm-messages
foment stronger association between normative expectations and CRC screening intentions among a
cohort of screen eligible AAs. We will recruit participants who are non-compliant with CRC screening.
Aim 2: To (a) examine the moderating roles of racial identity and group-based medical mistrust and
(b) explore the moderating role of perceptions of barriers and behavioral control on the effects of
normative messaging. We will examine whether norm-based messages lead to more favorable normative
perceptions and stronger effects of normative perceptions, among participants who more strongly identify as
AAs, who harbor greater group-based medical mistrust and who perceive fewer behavioral impediments.
Aim 3: To explore the effects of injunctive and descriptive norm messages on CRC screening
uptake. We will explore whether participants who receive the norm-based interventions are more likely to
request a CRC screening kit, and more likely to return the CRC screening kit, compared to participants who do
not receive the intervention.