Grant Details
Grant Number: |
5R03CA208560-02 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Nightingale, Chandylen |
Organization: |
Wake Forest University Health Sciences |
Project Title: |
Prepare to Care, a Supported Self-Management Intervention for Head and Neck Cancer Caregivers |
Fiscal Year: |
2017 |
Patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) can experience life altering side effects during radiotherapy (RT),
resulting in significant care needs and psychological distress that exceeds that of patients with many other
cancer diagnoses. Informal (unpaid) caregivers of patients with HNC have poorer psychological health
compared to patients and the general population. HNC caregivers have unmet informational needs and desire
wellness programs on stress reduction during patient oncologic treatment; however, there are no published
intervention studies designed to meet HNC caregivers’ psycho-educational and stress management needs.
The overall goal of this research is to optimize stress management skills in HNC caregivers by implementing a
supported self-management (SSM) intervention, Prepare to Care, to reduce negative psychological effects
associated with providing care during patient RT. Twenty HNC caregivers of patients undergoing RT will
participate in the SSM intervention during the patient’s RT and complete assessments (burden, psychological
distress, quality of life, and self-efficacy for (a) coping with cancer and (b) abbreviated progressive muscle
relaxation) pre and post- intervention and semi-structured interviews post-intervention. Prepare to Care
includes self-directed educational materials to provide information and teach strategies to manage emotions
and promote healthy behaviors. Materials are provided in hard copy and online, with iPads linked to the study
website available at the clinic during daily RT treatments. Several topics (or, modules) are offered and
selection of modules is supported by weekly assessments with the interventionist to identify caregivers’ current
needs. For Aim 1, we will assess feasibility (accrual, participation, retention) and acceptability of a SSM
intervention for psycho-education and stress management skills building designed for informal caregivers
(n=20) of HNC patients undergoing RT. For Aim 2, we will obtain preliminary data on caregiver intermediate
(self-efficacy for (a) coping with cancer and (b) abbreviated progressive muscle relaxation) and outcome
variables (burden, psychological distress, and quality of life) before and after the intervention. For Aim 3, we
will refine intervention procedures and materials for future studies by examining: a) qualitative data from
caregivers and interventionist notes and b) quantitative data regarding module utilization. Results will provide
feasibility and acceptability data on the first psychosocial intervention developed for HNC caregivers during
patient RT and will directly inform the development of a multisite randomized controlled trial to be implemented
through the Wake Forest NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) Research Base.
Feasibility and Acceptability of a Multi-Modality Self-Management Intervention for Head and Neck Cancer Caregivers: A Pilot Randomized Trial.
Authors: Nightingale C.
, Sterba K.R.
, Levine B.
, Tooze J.A.
, Greven K.
, Frizzell B.
, Hughes R.T.
, Snavely A.
, Lesser G.J.
, Norona S.
, et al.
Source: Integrative Cancer Therapies, 2022 Jan-Dec; 21, p. 15347354221098984.
PMID: 35575280
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