Grant Details
Grant Number: |
1R01CA210921-01 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Prentice, Ross |
Organization: |
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center |
Project Title: |
Statistical Methods for Multivariate Failure Time Data |
Fiscal Year: |
2017 |
This research project will develop statistical methods for the analysis of time-to-event, or failure time, data.
Major areas of application include randomized controlled trials and epidemiologic cohort studies for the
prevention or treatment of cancer or other diseases. The project aims to develop regression methods for the
simultaneous analysis of multiple outcome variables in relation to treatments or exposures that may be
evolving over the study follow-up period. The methods to be developed will be based on semiparametric
regression models that include Cox models for marginal hazard functions and additive semiparametric
regression models for pairwise and higher dimensional dependency functions. Using these models the failure
time data will be characterized using a multivariate version of Dabrowska’s survivor function representation. A
maximum likelihood approach, based on the probability distribution of the evolving failure time histories, will be
used for parameter estimation. The work has potential to strengthen analyses of treatment effects, or
regression effects more generally, for specific clinical outcomes by using data on other failure time outcomes to
provide information censoring information. For example in a clinical trial with death as primary outcome, these
methods will allow the occurrence of serious, but non-fatal, events during the study subject follow-up period to
strengthen primary outcome treatment evaluations. The novel methods also will provide an efficient means of
assessing the magnitude of dependencies among the risks for various outcome types, and their relationship to
treatments or covariates. Many clinical trials or cohort study applications involve some form of cohort
subsampling, with expensive biomarker values determined from raw materials (e.g., genomic measures from
blood specimens) only for ‘cases’ that develop study diseases during cohort follow-up and corresponding
‘controls’ that do not. A second aim of this research project is to develop efficient analyses of treatment or
covariate effects in the presence of cohort subsampling, for both univariate and multivariate failure time data.
The methods development here will also rely on semiparametric maximum likelihood methods, with the novel
aspect of including a nonparametric likelihood component for covariate history increments as they evolve over
cohort follow-up. With univariate failure time data this work will lead to estimating functions for Cox model
regression parameters and for observed covariate history parameters for iterative maximization, under nested
case-control, case-cohort, or more general sampling schemes. Multivariate failure time extensions will
combine semiparametric models for marginal hazard functions and for pairwise and higher dimensional
dependency functions with completely nonparametric models for observed covariate histories. Asymptotic
distributions for the novel estimation procedures will be developed using empirical process theory, and
moderate sample properties will be evaluated using computer simulations, and using applications to Women’s
Health Initiative and other datasets.
Randomized Trial Evaluation of the Benefits and Risks of Menopausal Hormone Therapy Among Women 50-59 Years of Age.
Authors: Prentice R.L.
, Aragaki A.K.
, Chlebowski R.T.
, Rossouw J.E.
, Anderson G.L.
, Stefanick M.L.
, Wactawski-Wende J.
, Kuller L.H.
, Wallace R.
, Johnson K.C.
, et al.
Source: American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2021-02-01 00:00:00.0; 190(3), p. 365-375.
PMID: 33025002
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, Zhao S.
Source: Journal Of The American Statistical Association, 2021; 116(535), p. 1330-1345.
EPub date: 2020-02-10 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 34629570
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Dual-Outcome Intention-to-Treat Analyses in the Women's Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Hormone Therapy Trials.
Authors: Prentice R.L.
, Aragaki A.K.
, Chlebowski R.T.
, Zhao S.
, Anderson G.L.
, Rossouw J.E.
, Wallace R.
, Banack H.
, Shadyab A.H.
, Qi L.
, et al.
Source: American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2020-09-01 00:00:00.0; 189(9), p. 972-981.
PMID: 32314781
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, Aragaki A.K.
, Chlebowski R.T.
, Zhao S.
, Anderson G.L.
, Rossouw J.E.
, Wallace R.
, Banack H.
, Shadyab A.H.
, Qi L.
, et al.
Source: American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2020-09-01 00:00:00.0; 189(9), p. 985-986.
PMID: 32314786
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, Pettinger M.
, Neuhouser M.L.
, Tinker L.F.
, Huang Y.
, Zheng C.
, Manson J.E.
, Mossavar-Rahmani Y.
, Anderson G.L.
, Lampe J.W.
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Source: Annals Of Internal Medicine, 2020-03-03 00:00:00.0; 172(5), p. 354-355.
EPub date: 2020-01-28 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 31986527
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, Aragaki A.K.
, Tinker L.F.
, Allison M.
, Hingle M.D.
, Johnson K.C.
, Manson J.E.
, Shadyab A.H.
, Shikany J.M.
, Snetselaar L.G.
, et al.
Source: Diabetes Care, 2018 Apr; 41(4), p. 680-687.
EPub date: 2017-12-27 00:00:00.0.
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Authors: Prentice R.L.
, Huang Y.
Source: Statistical Theory And Related Fields, 2018; 2(1), p. 2-10.
EPub date: 2018-05-17 00:00:00.0.
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Authors: Prentice R.L.
, Huang Y.
Source: Statistical Theory And Related Fields, 2018; 2(1), p. 23-26.
EPub date: 2018-07-11 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 31061986
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, Aragaki A.K.
, Van Horn L.
, Thomson C.A.
, Beresford S.A.
, Robinson J.
, Snetselaar L.
, Anderson G.L.
, Manson J.E.
, Allison M.A.
, et al.
Source: The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, 2017 Jul; 106(1), p. 35-43.
EPub date: 2017-05-17 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 28515068
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, Aragaki A.K.
, Anderson G.L.
, Thomson C.A.
, Manson J.E.
, Simon M.S.
, Howard B.V.
, Rohan T.E.
, Snetselar L.
, Lane D.
, et al.
Source: Journal Of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal Of The American Society Of Clinical Oncology, 2017-06-27 00:00:00.0; , p. JCO2016720326.
EPub date: 2017-06-27 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 28654363
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Authors: Prentice R.L.
, Huang Y.
, Neuhouser M.L.
, Manson J.E.
, Mossavar-Rahmani Y.
, Thomas F.
, Tinker L.F.
, Allison M.
, Johnson K.C.
, Wassertheil-Smoller S.
, et al.
Source: American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2017-06-14 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2017-06-14 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 28633342
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Authors: Prentice R.L.
, Huang Y.
, Neuhouser M.L.
, Tinker L.F.
, Van Horn L.
Source: American Journal Of Epidemiology, 2017-06-14 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2017-06-14 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 28633415
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