Grant Details
Grant Number: |
2R01CA085566-06A1 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Manne, Sharon |
Organization: |
Univ Of Med/Dent Nj-R W Johnson Med Sch |
Project Title: |
Psychological Intervention for Ovarian Cancer Patients |
Fiscal Year: |
2010 |
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Most women diagnosed with ovarian cancer suffer through difficult disease course that has a poor medical outcome. Our research has suggested that levels of general and cancer-specific distress are elevated after diagnosis and that cancer-specific distress remains elevated over time. Unfortunately, there have been few empirically-based psychological interventions for this population. Over the course of the past 8 years, we have tested the efficacy of two psychological interventions, a supportive counseling intervention (SC) and a coping and communication skills intervention (CCI), for this patient population. Our results have suggested that both interventions reduced depressive symptoms and have indicated that SC is more effective among women who are more expressive of positive emotions and women who experienced increasing disability. The goal of the next proposed study in our program of research is to extend our research in the following ways: 1) To evaluate the long term durability of these interventions, particularly among women who experience a disease recurrence; 2) To assess unique and shared mechanisms of change by using a more appropriate methodology to assess mediation and by focusing on emotional processing and benefit finding as a unique mechanisms for SC and by assessing additional cognitive and behavioral skills that are taught in CCI as unique mechanisms for CCI; 3) To examine the impact of CCI versus SC and UC on a broader range of psychosocial outcomes including worries about disease recurrence and global (e.g., social functioning) and spiritual quality of life. 401 women who are newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer will be randomly assigned to CCI, SC, or UC. Participants will complete surveys pre- intervention, 5 weeks, 9 weeks, 6, 12, and 18 months post-baseline. The primary aims are: 1) To evaluate the efficacy of CCI, SC, and Usual Care (UC) on patients' long-term general and cancer-specific psychological adaptation, concerns about recurrence, and quality of life, and to determine whether either treatment's effects are moderated by disease recurrence. 2) To evaluate the cognitive, social, emotional, and behavioral processes which mediate CCI and SC's effects on patients' long-term psychological distress, concerns about disease recurrence, and quality of life.
PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Our prior research has indicated that about 25% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer report significant depressive symptoms and nearly 70% report significant cancer- related distress. We have evaluated two interventions, a cognitive-behavioral intervention and a supportive counseling intervention and found that both interventions significantly reduced depressive symptoms. In this renewal application, we seek to extend this program of research by evaluating the long-term effects of the interventions, by assessing unique and common mechanisms of change, and by expanding our assessment to a broader range of psychosocial outcomes.
Relationship intimacy processes during treatment for couple-focused interventions for prostate cancer patients and their spouses.
Authors: Manne S.L.
, Kashy D.A.
, Kissane D.
, Zaider T.
, Heckman C.J.
, Penedo F.J.
, Myers S.
Source: Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology Research And Practice, 2019 Sep; 1(2), .
EPub date: 2019-09-20 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 36237825
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Longitudinal course and predictors of communication and affect management self-efficacy among women newly diagnosed with gynecological cancers.
Authors: Manne S.L.
, Kashy D.A.
, Kissane D.W.
, Ozga M.
, Virtue S.M.
, Heckman C.J.
Source: Supportive Care In Cancer : Official Journal Of The Multinational Association Of Supportive Care In Cancer, 2019-08-01 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2019-08-01 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 31367918
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The course and predictors of perceived unsupportive responses by family and friends among women newly diagnosed with gynecological cancers.
Authors: Manne S.L.
, Kashy D.A.
, Kissane D.W.
, Ozga M.
, Virtue S.M.
, Heckman C.J.
Source: Translational Behavioral Medicine, 2019-07-16 00:00:00.0; 9(4), p. 682-692.
PMID: 30189025
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Levels of emotional awareness during psychotherapy among gynecologic cancer patients.
Authors: Virtue S.M.
, Manne S.L.
, Criswell K.
, Kissane D.
, Heckman C.J.
, Rotter D.
Source: Palliative & Supportive Care, 2019 02; 17(1), p. 87-94.
EPub date: 2018-06-08 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 29880065
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Acceptance, social support, benefit-finding, and depression in women with gynecological cancer.
Authors: Manne S.L.
, Kashy D.A.
, Virtue S.
, Criswell K.R.
, Kissane D.W.
, Ozga M.
, Heckman C.J.
, Stapleton J.
, Rodriguez L.
Source: Quality Of Life Research : An International Journal Of Quality Of Life Aspects Of Treatment, Care And Rehabilitation, 2018-08-20 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2018-08-20 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 30128785
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, Myers-Virtue S.
, Darabos K.
, Ozga M.
, Heckman C.
, Kissane D.
, Rotter D.
Source: Palliative & Supportive Care, 2017 08; 15(4), p. 405-416.
EPub date: 2016-12-14 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 27964770
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, Virtue S.M.
, Ozga M.
, Kashy D.
, Heckman C.
, Kissane D.
, Rosenblum N.
, Morgan M.
, Rodriquez L.
Source: Gynecologic Oncology, 2016-11-22 00:00:00.0; , .
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Authors: Manne S.L.
, Myers-Virtue S.
, Kashy D.A.
, Ozga M.
, Kissane D.
, Heckman C.
, Morgan M.
Source: Psycho-oncology, 2016-11-21 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2016-11-21 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 27870116
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, Manne S.L.
, Stapleton J.
, Myers-Virtue S.
, Ozga M.
, Kissane D.
, Heckman C.
, Morgan M.
Source: Supportive Care In Cancer : Official Journal Of The Multinational Association Of Supportive Care In Cancer, 2016-10-19 00:00:00.0; , .
PMID: 27757706
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, Myers-Virtue S.
, Kissane D.
, Ozga M.L.
, Kashy D.A.
, Rubin S.C.
, Rosenblum N.G.
, Heckman C.J.
Source: Psycho-oncology, 2016-07-16 00:00:00.0; , .
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Authors: Myers Virtue S.
, Manne S.L.
, Darabos K.
, Heckman C.J.
, Ozga M.
, Kissane D.
, Rubin S.
, Rosenblum N.
Source: Psycho-oncology, 2015 Sep; 24(9), p. 1189-96.
PMID: 25521772
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Resilience, Positive Coping, and Quality of Life Among Women Newly Diagnosed With Gynecological Cancers.
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, Myers-Virtue S.
, Kashy D.
, Ozga M.
, Kissane D.
, Heckman C.
, Rubin S.C.
, Rosenblum N.
Source: Cancer Nursing, 2015 Sep-Oct; 38(5), p. 375-82.
PMID: 25521911
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Holding back sharing concerns, dispositional emotional expressivity, perceived unsupportive responses and distress among women newly diagnosed with gynecological cancers.
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, Myers S.
, Ozga M.
, Kissane D.
, Kashy D.
, Rubin S.
, Heckman C.
, Rosenblum N.
Source: General Hospital Psychiatry, 2014 Jan-Feb; 36(1), p. 81-7.
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, Manne S.L.
, Ozga M.
, Kissane D.W.
, Rubin S.
, Heckman C.
, Rosenblum N.
, Graff J.J.
Source: International Journal Of Gynecological Cancer : Official Journal Of The International Gynecological Cancer Society, 2014 Jan; 24(1), p. 165-71.
PMID: 24346489
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, Manne S.L.
, Kissane D.W.
, Ozga M.
, Kashy D.A.
, Rubin S.
, Heckman C.
, Rosenblum N.
, Morgan M.
, Graff J.J.
Source: Gynecologic Oncology, 2013 Jan; 128(1), p. 120-7.
PMID: 23088925
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Authors: Manne S.L.
, Kashy D.A.
, Rubin S.
, Hernandez E.
, Bergman C.
Source: Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 2012 Oct; 80(5), p. 800-10.
PMID: 22746145
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, Winkel G.
, Zaider T.
, Rubin S.
, Hernandez E.
, Bergman C.
Source: Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 2010 Apr; 78(2), p. 236-48.
PMID: 20350034
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Mediators of a coping and communication-enhancing intervention and a supportive counseling intervention among women diagnosed with gynecological cancers.
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, Winkel G.
, Rubin S.
, Edelson M.
, Rosenblum N.
, Bergman C.
, Hernandez E.
, Carlson J.
, Rocereto T.
Source: Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 2008 Dec; 76(6), p. 1034-45.
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, Manne S.L.
, Rubin S.
, Hernandez E.
, Carlson J.
, Bergman C.
, Rosenblum N.
Source: Health Psychology : Official Journal Of The Division Of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2005 Mar; 24(2), p. 143-52.
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, Rubin S.
, Carlson J.
, Hernandez E.
, Edelson M.I.
, Rosenblum N.
, Warshal D.
, Bergman C.
Source: Journal Of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal Of The American Society Of Clinical Oncology, 2004-03-01 00:00:00.0; 22(5), p. 919-26.
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