Description (provided by applicant):
Tobacco use is the most important cause of preventable death in this country
for all racial/ethnic groups. Over $70 billion in direct medical costs is
a t tributable to tobacco-related disease. Chinese Americans may be at
particularly high risk for excess tobacco-related morbidity and mortality. It
is estimated that 73% of men in China smoke. Yet, smoking behaviors, attitudes
and beliefs among Chinese Americans remain largely undocumented. The New York
City Department of Health Tobacco Control Program (NYCTCP) together with their
community partners is developing and implementing an innovative
community-based intervention, tailored to Chinese Americans. The principle aim
of thisresearch is to test the hypothesis that culturally and linguistically
appropriate media campaign, plus increased access to on-site community-based
cessation services, will be more effective, and more cost-effective, in
positively influencing tobacco-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors among
a minority population, than will be culturally appropriate media approaches
alone. We will assess age-specific prevalence rates, and tobacco-related
attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, among two Chinese American communities in
New York City. The research design is a quasi-experimental pre- post-test
design with nonequivalent intact comparison groups from two geographically
d i s t inct Chinese communities. The sample design will consist of a
cross-sectional component to estimate smoking prevalence and a longitudinal
study of baseline respondents. Individual-level data will be obtained from
face-to-face interviews with representative individuals using standardized
survey instruments. In addition, process evaluation methods will be used to
assess the intervention implementation. Study results will provide important
information on how to allocate limited resources for community tobacco control
interventions, designed to influence an Asian American population, in the most
cost-effective manner.
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