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Grant Details

Grant Number: 5R44CA091661-03 Interpret this number
Primary Investigator: Brink, Susan
Organization: Healthmark Multimedia, Llc
Project Title: Moving On: Interactive Guide to Breast Cancer Survivors
Fiscal Year: 2004


DESCRIPTION (provided by investigator): The number of breast cancer survivors is growing due to early detection of localized cancer and increased effectiveness of treatments. HealthMark Multimedia, LLC proposes a Phase II SBIR project that will result in a CD-ROM for breast cancer survivors addressing issues that present or persist post-treatment. Phase I prototype feasibility testing indicated that such a product can increase knowledge and self-efficacy and that survivors react favorably to the interactive tools and skill development approaches. The full product will use information gathered during prototype development and testing to provide a user-friendly product to assist women during this stage. Product development will use a Quality of Life Model and Social Learning Theory to translate 4 dimensions of well-being (physical, psychological, social and spiritual) for breast cancer survivors into an interactive learning and support product. Subsequent to development a randomized field test will determine the effectiveness of the CD-ROM in increasing knowledge, self-efficacy and quality of life as compared to similar material in book form.


Correctors And Potentiators Rescue Function Of The Truncated W1282x-cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator (cftr) Translation Product
Authors: Haggie P.M. , Phuan P.W. , Tan J.A. , Xu H. , Avramescu R.G. , Perdomo D. , Zlock L. , Nielson D.W. , Finkbeiner W.E. , Lukacs G.L. , et al. .
Source: The Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 2017-01-20 00:00:00.0; 292(3), p. 771-785.
PMID: 27895116
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