Grant Details
Grant Number: |
1R13CA091917-01 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Kass, Robert |
Organization: |
Carnegie-Mellon University |
Project Title: |
Symposium on Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics-Vi |
Fiscal Year: |
2001 |
DESCRIPTION: (provided by applicant)
A symposium entitiled "Bayesian Statistics in Science and Technology: Case
Studies VI" will be held at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, on Friday September 28 and Saturday September 29, 2001. The
symposium will include two extended presentations of applications of Bayesian
methods in problems in which the statistician was an integral member of the
research team, and one case study of statistical methods analyzed by a panel
of three experts. Two contributed poster sessions will also be held.
The objectives of the symposium are to:
(i) Highlight the close interplay of statistical theory and applications in
the context of substantive scientific research.
(ii) Contribute to the development of Bayesian statistics, by identifying
problems without standard solution, and encouraging the extension of the
theory and its implemtation so that posible approaches to analyses may
be found.
(iii) Bring to the fore the topic of reporting of Bayesian statistical
analyses to the scientific community, and discuss effective and relevant
means of communicating both the methods used in, and the conclusions
drawn from quantitative analyses.
(iv) Provide a small meeting atmosphere for young researchers and graduate
students to present their work and to interact with senior colleagues,
and to learn about the recent advances in implementation of Bayesian
methods in substantive problems.
(v) Encourage the collaboration between statisticians and researchers in
subject matter disciplines, by emphasizing the many challenging
statistical problems that arise in the course of scientific research.
(vi) Disseminate the results of the research presented at the workshop by
publishing a volume containing well-documented and peer-reviewed case
studies and data sets, and other selected workshop presentations.
As increasingly much background information becomes available to scientists
undertaking an investigation, it is important to utilize previous knowledge
effectively in designing studies and analyzing data. Bayesian statistical
methods are tailored to this purpose. There have been many recent advances in
Bayesian statistical theory and computation, but scientific meetings rarely
spendsubstantial time discussing applications. The purpose of this symposium
is to concentrate attention solely on applications of Bayesian statistics.
The goal is to elucidate the interplay between theory and practice and thereby
identify sucessful methods and indicate important directions for future
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, Rubini C.
, Mariggiò M.A.
, Procaccini M.
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, De Rosa G.
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