Grant Details
Grant Number: |
5R44CA071271-03 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Jones, Judith |
Organization: |
Degge Group, Ltd. |
Project Title: |
Levels of Learning About Cancer By Pediatric Patients |
Fiscal Year: |
1999 |
Building upon the prototype developed in Phase I, this Phase II proposal
seeks to complete development of and test, an interactive multimedia CD-
ROM program for pediatric patients (ages 4-11) with acute leukemia
(myelogenous and lymphocytic). This program will have the capability to
expand the children's knowledge about leukemia, the disease, its
diagnosis and treatment protocols, and clinical trials. the visual
presentation will employ the use of 3-D graphics, video, music, and
photography. It will be tailored to the child's age, maturity, cognitive
development level, reading level and treatment stage. Focus groups with
4 to 6 year olds and input from children's caregivers and project
consultants will be used to identify key issues and depth of content for
modules directed at this age group. Modules directed at 7 to 11 year
olds which have been partially developed in Phase I will be updated and
completed. Children and caregivers will be interviewed to assess the
acceptability of the product (ease of use; likes/dislikes) and their use
of the program (time spent, frequency). Children's knowledge of events
during a hospital visit will be assessed before and after exposure to
the program.
Given greater survival rates of children with cancer and the new FDA
emphasis on drug testing in children, there is ample opportunity for
this program to be directed to patients and their families, as well as
to hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and classrooms.
Development And Evaluation Of An Interactive Cd-rom For Children With Leukemia And Their Families
Authors: Dragone M.A.
, Bush P.J.
, Jones J.K.
, Bearison D.J.
, Kamani S.
Source: Patient Education And Counseling, 2002 Apr; 46(4), p. 297-307.
PMID: 11932129
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