Grant Details
Grant Number: |
1R03CA080637-01 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Thomas, David |
Organization: |
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center |
Project Title: |
Contraceptive Use and Risk of Cancer in Shanghai |
Fiscal Year: |
1998 |
DESCRIPTION: (Applicant's Description) The possible carcinogenic effects of
a variety of birth control methods have been of public health concern and
the subject of numerous epidemiologic studies during the past 3 decades.
Yet, questions remain, answers to which would be of value in assessing
overall risks and benefits of a variety of specific agents and procedures.
An unusual opportunity to address a number of specific issues using a
prospective study design is afforded by a cohort of 267,000 female textile
workers in Shanghai who were recruited into a randomized trial of breast
self examination in 1989-91. All women were interviewed in person on entry
into the study to obtain information on their contraceptive practices and
risk factor for breast cancer. We propose to match the computerized files
of this cohort to two cancer registries in Shanghai to identify women who
developed cancers of the breast, endometrium, ovary, cervix uteri, and liver
during the first seven years of follow up (over 1.8 million women-years).
Rate ratios of one or more of these cancers will be estimated, using poisson
regression technique in relation to one or more of the following exposures:
oral contraceptives, injectable contraceptives, tubal ligation, IUD and
induced abortion. This is one of the largest cohorts of women ever
assembled for epidemiologic purposes, and its location in a developing
country provides an opportunity to assess carcinogenic risks of the agents
and procedures of interest in a setting that differs from that of other
cohort studies with respect to patterns of cancer occurrence and the
presence of potentially confounding and effect modifying variables.
Oral contraceptives and the risk of all cancers combined and site-specific cancers in Shanghai.
Authors: Rosenblatt K.A.
, Gao D.L.
, Ray R.M.
, Nelson Z.C.
, Wernli K.J.
, Li W.
, Thomas D.B.
Source: Cancer Causes & Control : Ccc, 2009 Feb; 20(1), p. 27-34.
PMID: 18704712
Related Citations
Monthly injectable contraceptives and the risk of all cancers combined and site-specific cancers in Shanghai.
Authors: Rosenblatt K.A.
, Gao D.L.
, Ray R.M.
, Nelson Z.C.
, Wernli K.J.
, Li W.
, Thomas D.B.
Source: Contraception, 2007 Jul; 76(1), p. 40-4.
PMID: 17586135
Related Citations
Induced abortions and the risk of all cancers combined and site-specific cancers in Shanghai.
Authors: Rosenblatt K.A.
, Gao D.L.
, Ray R.M.
, Rowland M.R.
, Nelson Z.C.
, Wernli K.J.
, Li W.
, Thomas D.B.
Source: Cancer Causes & Control : Ccc, 2006 Dec; 17(10), p. 1275-80.
PMID: 17111259
Related Citations
Contraceptive Methods And Induced Abortions And Their Association With The Risk Of Colon Cancer In Shanghai, China
Authors: Rosenblatt,K.A.
, Gao,D.L.
, Ray,R.M.
, Nelson,Z.C.
, Thomas,D.B.
Source: European Journal Of Cancer (oxford, England : 1990), 2004 Mar; 40(4), p. 590-3.
PMID: 14962728
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