Grant Details
Grant Number: |
1R03CA071434-01A2 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Frank, Erica |
Organization: |
Emory University |
Project Title: |
Women Physicians Health Study-Cancer Prevention |
Fiscal Year: |
1998 |
DESCRIPTION (Applicant's Description) This proposal will test whether
physicians' personal health practices help predict their counseling
behaviors. If this is true, it could have considerable clinical
ramifications, as it may be possible to improve the health of entire patient
populations by improving physicians' personal health practices. Data from
the Women Physicians' Health Study, a national study of a stratified random
sample of 4,501 women physicians, will be used in this proposal.
The study will answer questions regarding four cancer-related practices:
(1) diet; (2) cigarette smoking; (3) mammography and breast self
examination/clinical examination; and (4) sunscreen use. For each
cancer-related question the study will determine: (1) prevalence of
physicians' personal habits regarding this behavior; (3) the relationship
between their personal and patient counseling practices, and (4) important
confounders of that relationship.
Specifically, the study will explore: (1) What are women physicians'
personal dietary practices, and how does that relate to their likelihood to
counsel patients about nutrition? Hypothesis: Women physicians have good
personal dietary habits (fat, fruit and vegetable intake), and those with
particularly good diets are more likely to counsel patients regarding
nutrition. (2) What are women physicians' personal and family histories of
cigarette smoking, including their environment tobacco smoke exposure, and
what are important correlates of physicians' smoking cessation counseling?
Hypothesis: Physicians' have very low personal and somewhat lower family
histories of cigarette smoking. Hypothesis: Current personal smoking
decreases their likelihood and having smoking family members increases
physicians' likelihood of smoking cessation counseling. (3) What are women
physicians' personal mammography and breast self examination habits, and do
they affect their likelihood to discuss mammography or to perform a clinical
breast examination on patients? Hypothesis: Physicians performing more
frequent breast self examination and receiving more frequent mammography are
more likely to discuss mammography with or perform a clinical breast
examination on patients. Hypothesis: Physicians' receiving mammographies
in excess of recommended levels (e.g., young physicians without family
histories of breast cancer having had mammograms) are especially likely to
suggest mammography to patients. (4) How frequently do physicians use
sunscreen or obtain a clinical skin examination for cancer, and does this
affect their likelihood to perform skin cancer prevention and screening?
Hypothesis: Physicians use sunscreen inconsistently, and that those who are
more frequent sunscreen users and utilizers of clinical skin examinations
are more likely to counsel their patients regarding prevention of, and to
perform screening for skin cancer.
U.S. Women Physicians' personal and clinical breast cancer screening practices.
Authors: Frank E.
, Rimer B.K.
, Brogan D.
, Elon L.
Source: Journal Of Women's Health & Gender-based Medicine, 2000 Sep; 9(7), p. 791-801.
PMID: 11025871
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