Grant Details
Grant Number: |
1R01CA288259-01A1 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Bradley, Cathy |
Organization: |
University Of Colorado Denver |
Project Title: |
Health Insurance and Disparities: More Than Access |
Fiscal Year: |
2025 |
Cancer health disparities in the US persist, particularly between racial/ethnic groups and
urban/rural residency, despite nearly 92% of Americans having health insurance coverage. In
2021, Medicaid covered ~19% of people; 54.2% were covered by employer-based insurance;
Medicare covered another 18.4%; 10.2% were covered by direct purchase plans, and the
remaining 3.5% were covered by military plans. Previous research has focused on patients
without insurance, but factors associated with coverage, such as cost sharing, out-of-pocket
limits, provider networks, and drug formularies can vary widely, potentially contributing to
substantial disparities in access to and costs of care. Progress toward ameliorating disparities is
hindered by the absence of multiple-payer data that could inform policies. Population-based
registries do not adequately capture health insurance coverage or the full cancer care
experience. Moreover, few data sources capture OOP costs that can both influence treatment
decisions and lead to financial hardship. We address this gap by building on an established
linkage between the Colorado Central Cancer Registry (CCCR) and the Colorado All-Payer
Claims Data (APCD). APCDs are an emerging source for comprehensive data on healthcare
utilization within a state. We supplement these data with plan-level information and census and
health services files to better understand the social determinants of health context in which
patients reside. The resulting data will contain person, treatment, provider/facility, plan, and
geographic data for the years 2012-22 that allows longer-term survivorship assessments. Our
specific aims are to:
Aim 1: Compare differences in outcomes by race/ethnicity and urban/rural residency, controlling
for plan type, patient demographics, market and provider characteristics, and social
determinants of health.
Aim 2. Decompose the relative contribution of plan type, patient demographics, market and
provider characteristics, and social determinants of health in explaining observed outcome
Aim 3: Estimate the burden of OOP expenditures after a cancer diagnosis by plan type and by
race/ethnicity and urban-rural residency.