Grant Details
Grant Number: |
5R01CA260891-03 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Doherty, Jennifer |
Organization: |
University Of Utah |
Project Title: |
Identifying Cancer Recurrence with Novel Data Linkages with a Cancer Registry |
Fiscal Year: |
2024 |
For the estimated 17 million cancer survivors in the US today, fear of recurrence is a substantial source of
stress and an issue that drives survivorship care. Understanding the scope of recurrence among cancer
survivors can inform clinical practice, improve patient health, and allow for real-world assessment of treatment
effectiveness. Population-level data on cancer recurrence are difficult to capture, and require evaluation of
multiple data sources to accurately identify cancer recurrences. The Utah Cancer Registry (UCR), a SEER
registry since 1973, is strongly positioned to identify recurrences in a population-based setting. The registry
data are linked to the Utah Population Database (UPDB), which includes electronic medical records (EMR),
statewide healthcare facility data (SHFD; inpatient, ambulatory surgery and emergency department), and
claims data (All Payer Claims Database (APCD), Medicare). We propose to assess the utility of using data
sources common across all state cancer registries and to investigate the added value of novel data linkages
available at the Utah Cancer Registry. We also propose to extend and validate a recently-developed algorithm
to identify individual level breast cancer recurrence to identify recurrence for other cancer types to estimate the
population-level burden of recurrence. Our specific aims are as follows: 1) Determine the predictive
performance to identify recurrence using data currently available to cancer registries for breast and
prostate cancer. These would include Commission on Cancer recurrence variables, electronic pathology
reports, and death certificates. 2) Estimate the improvements in predictive performance to identify
recurrence by inclusion of novel administrative data linkage for breast and prostate cancer. 3) Evaluate
the scalability and transportability of recurrence identifying algorithms across settings and
populations for research. We will validate the algorithms’ predictive performance by estimating positive and
negative predictive values among a racially and ethnically diverse collection of cancer cases from the Seattle-
Puget Sound SEER registry, including comparisons of performance across race/ethnicity, age, stage, and
rural/urban status. In addition, we will validate the breast recurrence identification algorithm recently developed
in the Seattle registry in the Utah breast cancer population. No algorithms currently exist to evaluate the data
sources individually and combined to identify recurrence events based on cancer registry and administrative
data. Our results will inform the predictive performance for routinely available data and the value added of
administrative data sources, which may be differentially complete and/or costly to procure. Our work will
establish a path forward for population-level tracking of cancer recurrence and facilitate prioritization of data
generation efforts and algorithms that can be customized based on the data available in different situations.