Grant Details
Grant Number: |
5R00CA256216-05 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Makhnoon, Sukh |
Organization: |
Ut Southwestern Medical Center |
Project Title: |
Multilevel Investigation of Uncertain and Reclassified Genomic Variants in Clinical Oncology |
Fiscal Year: |
2024 |
The overarching goal of this award is to prepare the applicant for an independent, sustained program of
research that incorporates psychosocial, behavioral, and clinical concepts and methods to understand and
design interventions to guide clinical translation of uncertain and reclassified genomic variants. Variants of
uncertain significance (VUS) introduce uncertainty and can confuse clinical decision making for patients and
providers. VUS are also frequently reclassified, especially in racial/ethnic minority populations, and can inform
clinical decision making. However, insufficient evidence around the influences and outcomes of uncertain and
reclassified variants presents a challenge for more diffuse clinical translation of these genetic variants. Such
understanding is particularly important in clinical oncology, as identification of mutation carriers can
significantly alter cancer prevention, screening, surgery recommendations, and treatment. The K99 phase is
designed to augment the candidate's prior research experience though coursework, apprenticeships and
directed readings with specific training in: 1) clinical health informatics, 2) psychometrics and survey
methodology, and, 3) advanced qualitative methods. The proposed research will collect patient reported and
electronic medical record data from six healthcare systems that provide clinical genetic services to a
racially/ethnically diverse patient population. Aim 1 (K99 phase) surveys a national sample of oncology
providers to understand their practices related to variant reclassification and recontact. Aim 2 (K99 phase)
interviews patients to identify dimensions of reclassification associated psychosocial well-being. Aim 3 (R00
phase) uses data from aim 2 and existing literature to develop and pilot an instrument to measure genomic
uncertainty in patients. Aim 4 (R00 phase) evaluates the clinical utility of variant reclassification. This work will
generate evidence to inform institutional and professional practice around variant reclassification. Taken
together, the findings from this study will contextualize, and provide tools for a future longitudinal study to
determine the behavioral, psychosocial, and clinical consequences of receiving uncertain genetic test results.
This project is a critical building block for the applicant's long-term research goal to develop and test
interventions (at the levels of provider, patient and healthcare system) to facilitate the clinical translation of
genomics into diverse health systems and into underserved populations. The proposed award will provide
training, mentorship and research experience that will serve as the foundation for the applicant's career as an
independently funded clinical investigator dedicating to improving health outcomes in translational genomics
for underrepresented minority populations.