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Grant Details

Grant Number: 5U54CA280804-02 Interpret this number
Primary Investigator: Basen-Engquist, Karen
Organization: University Of Tx Md Anderson Can Ctr
Project Title: Center for Transformative Community-Driven Research to Prevent Obesity-Related Cancer
Fiscal Year: 2024


Project Summary/Abstract Center for Transformative Community-Driven Research to Prevent Obesity-related Cancer (the Center) seeks to reduce cancer risk, and ultimately improve cancer outcomes for communities experiencing persistent poverty. We plan to bridge the gap between research and real-world practice through community-engaged approaches to address obesity—the second leading preventable cause of cancer. The Center will focus its activity on Acres Homes, a historic Black Community in Houston, Texas that has experienced persistent poverty. The Center will test interventions in the context of MD Anderson’s current place-based cancer prevention initiative (Be Well Communities™), around two scientific themes: 1) understanding social and environmental context of poverty (e.g., food insecurity, limited recreational infrastructure, few health promotion services) and 2) promoting health behavior changes of diet and physical activity as major contributing causes of obesity. The two research projects span the cancer control continuum from primary prevention to survivorship: Project 1 will test the effect of a multi-level nutrition intervention on BMI and metabolic health in Acres Homes elementary school students and their parents, and Project 2 will adapt and test the effect of a physical activity intervention for Acres Homes cancer survivors on physical functioning. Both will use a health promotion interweaving approach to embed the interventions in the environmental context of Acres Homes and Be Well Communities. The transdisciplinary approach used by the research projects will integrate behavioral science, implementation science, geospatial analytics, and health communication. The Center will include five cores: Administrative, Research and Methods, Career Enhancement, Developmental, and Engagement Core. Our conceptual framework is informed by both the context of persistent poverty and the science of behavior change. At the behavior change level, the conceptual framework incorporates the COM-B (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation -Behavior) model of behavior change. In collaboration with Acres Homes community leaders, the specific aims of the Center are to: (1) Test interventions to address risk factors for obesity-related cancers using a health promotion interweaving approach in the context of Be Well™ Acres Homes, building on the existing infrastructure of community collaboration, planning and programming; (2) Collaborate with residents and community organizations to foster an environment that supports the conduct of research and the implementation of programs that can alleviate the effects of persistent poverty; (3) Support the careers of transdisciplinary teams of early-career researchers including trainees and early stage faculty and build their expertise in conducting research to promote cancer prevention and control in persistent poverty communities, with a focus on development of trainees and investigators from under-represented groups.


Development of a Culinary Medicine Toolkit to Improve Implementation of Virtual Cooking Classes for Low-Income Adults with Type 2 Diabetes.
Authors: Ai D. , Heredia N.I. , Cruz V. , Guevara D.C. , Sharma S.V. , Woods D. , Danho M. , McWhorter J.W. .
Source: Healthcare (basel, Switzerland), 2024-01-30 00:00:00.0; 12(3), .
EPub date: 2024-01-30 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 38338231
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