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Grant Details

Grant Number: 5R13CA261080-04 Interpret this number
Primary Investigator: Kohler, Betsy
Organization: North American Assn/Central Cancer Reg
Project Title: Support of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc. (NAACCR) Annual Scientific Conference
Fiscal Year: 2024


NAACCR Annual Scientific Conference Project Summary R13 20-207 Cancer surveillance data are the lynchpin of the cancer data ecosystem. Only through the collection of accurate, standardized, curated data on every cancer patient in the U.S. can we truly monitor and evaluate our progress against cancer. The goal of this application is to convene annual conferences that will strengthen collaboration between the cancer surveillance community and cancer researchers to maximize the impact of cancer registries in advancing our scientific understanding. NAACCR has hosted the most influential and informative annual conference for cancer surveillance scientists in North America for over 30 years. It is the largest meeting of its kind for population-based cancer registries to participate in the advancement of cancer surveillance data science, learn new techniques, exchange information, and develop efficient and cost-effective work practices. This year, renowned speakers and surveillance experts will highlight changes in cancer care, data sources, technology, and research requirements and focus on integrating with cancer surveillance so as to make cancer registries more useful and accessible to researchers. The objective of this conference grant is to: Convene a conference for cancer researchers, NAACCR members and the cancer surveillance community to demonstrate the utility and value of cancer surveillance data in a wide array of cancer research applications, including cancer control, cohort matching through the NAACCR Virtual Pooled Registry, clinical surveillance, pharmacoepidemiology, and population-based site specific prognostic indicators. Cancer surveillance data forms the backbone of countless cancer research studies each year. The methods used will be the planning and implementation of a world-class scientific conference, with workshops, break-out sessions, panel discussions, keynotes, plenaries, and posters. In addition, we plan to encourage attendance and enhance diversity by subsidizing registration for delegates from under-resourced countries. Awards will be based on need and/or guidelines of NCI’s Office of Global Health. Due to ongoing uncertainty around travel restrictions and social distancing measures resulting from the COVID-19 global pandemic, we plan to use a hybrid in-person/virtual conference model in 2021 and, potentially, subsequent years. Making some portion of the conference available via an online virtual format allows us to achieve our specific aims while accommodating the needs of attendees. The NAACCR meeting is the only cancer surveillance meeting that draws participation from every state and province in U.S. and Canada. This conference provides an excellent opportunity for participation by groups that are often under-represented in science, particularly women and minorities, and the location of the conference is selected to ensure a mix of regional, national and international participation and representation.



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