Grant Details
Grant Number: |
5R01CA242745-04 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Pinto, Bernardine |
Organization: |
University Of South Carolina At Columbia |
Project Title: |
Peer Coaching for Physical Activity Promotion Among Breast Cancer Survivors: Adapting an Efficacious Intervention to Prepare for Implementation |
Fiscal Year: |
2024 |
Interventions promoting physical activity among cancer survivors improve their functioning, reduce fatigue and
offer other benefits in cancer recovery and risk reduction for future cancer. There is a need for interventions
that can be implemented on a wider-scale than in research settings. Our 12-week theory-based exercise
intervention that was delivered by research staff by telephone was efficacious in improving fitness, and
increasing moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) among breast, colorectal and endometrial cancer
survivors. To widen the intervention’s reach, we trained peer coaches in the American Cancer Society’s Reach
to Recovery program to deliver the same MVPA intervention called Moving Forward Together (MFT) to other
breast cancer survivors. In a randomized controlled trial, MFT significantly increased MVPA and provided
psychosocial benefits for these survivors (Pinto, Stein & Dunsiger, 2015). Now, our goal is to prepare for wider
implementation of MFT by automating key resource-intensive components such as matching survivors with
a coach by using a web-based peer mentoring platform and to collect key indices to prepare for large scale
implementation. InquistHealth’s web platform (Mentor1to1™) has demonstrated to be effective in peer
mentoring for chronic disease management (e.g., diabetes). We will partner with InquisitHealth to adapt their
web platform for MFT. The aim is to streamline intervention delivery, assure fidelity and improve survivor
outcomes. There will be two phases in this 4-year R01 application: in Phase 1, we will work with 6 peer
coaches who have already delivered MFT (our original evidence-based MVPA intervention) in prior work.
Using iterative user-centered design principles, we will modify the web platform for MFT, creating webMFT. In
Phase 2, we will conduct a randomized controlled trial in which 10-12 peer coaches will deliver webMFT to 56
breast cancer survivors who will be randomized to receive either webMFT or MVPA Tracking. We will recruit
and train coaches naïve to MFT from three cancer care organizations with peer mentoring programs. We will
collect feasibility and acceptability data about webMFT from the coaches. We will examine survivor outcomes
(objectively measured MVPA and self-reported fatigue, quality of life, physical functioning and mood) by using
mixed effects regression models to compare groups at 12 weeks. We will obtain survivors’ feedback on their
experience with webMFT. Based on the RE-AIM framework and PRISM, we will collect data on
implementation indices at the organizational level by conducting key multi-level stakeholder interviews.
Using newer technologies for enhanced intervention delivery, program management and automated data
collection has the exciting promise of facilitating effective implementation by organizations with limited
resources. Adapting evidence-based MFT to a customized web platform and collecting data at multiple-levels
(coaches, survivors and organizations) along with costs will provide a strong foundation for a robust multi-site
implementation trial to increase MVPA (and its benefits) among many more breast cancer survivors.
Adapting an Efficacious Peer-Delivered Physical Activity Program for Survivors of Breast Cancer for Web Platform Delivery: Protocol for a 2-Phase Study.
Authors: Pinto B.M.
, Patel A.
, Ostendorf D.M.
, Huebschmann A.G.
, Dunsiger S.I.
, Kindred M.M.
Source: Jmir Research Protocols, 2024-06-19 00:00:00.0; 13, p. e52494.
EPub date: 2024-06-19 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 38896452
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