Grant Details
Grant Number: |
5U2RTW012228-03 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Al-Delaimy, Wael |
Organization: |
University Of California, San Diego |
Project Title: |
2/2 Geohealth Hub for Climate Change and Health in the Middle East and North Africa-U.S. |
Fiscal Year: |
2024 |
Climate change is a well-documented reality that is impacting planet earth and its inhabitants. The health impacts
of climate change have been studied in terms of heat wave, air pollution, spread of vectors of infectious diseases,
and extreme weather events of flooding, drought, wildfires, as well as mental illnesses. One of the regions that
will be impacted most from climate change is the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Yet, there is very limited
understanding of the human health impacts, the possible policies and interventions to address them, and most
importantly limited capacity in research of such policies and interventions. Through this proposal we will establish
the GeoHealth Hub for Climate Change Health Impacts in MENA through its two components: The U01 research
component (1/2 GeoHealth Hub for Climate Change and Health in the Middle East and North Africa-
Jordan) and the U2R training component. The research and training will take place in Jordan, Lebanon, and
Morocco. The climate relevant areas of research will focus on heat waves, precipitation and water quality, air
pollution, and desert dust pollution. Cost-effectiveness analyses of environmental health policies will be
determined to quantify health benefits from interventions through economic models and then informing local
governments through dissemination and implementation science. These will be linked to the U2R GeoHealth
Hub training application titled “2/2 GeoHealth Hub for Climate Change and Health in the Middle East and
North Africa-U.S. The training program will focus on creating a cadre of local experts in one or more of the
areas of environmental health in the scope of the U01. The U2R training will build on the ongoing R25 training
grant between the two collaborating academic institutions in Jordan (Jordan University of Science and
Technology-JUST) and the U.S. (University of California San Diego) (2R25TW010026-06A1). We have
assembled an exceptional team of collaborators from the top institutions led by the University of California San
Diego and with UC Berkeley, and Harvard University, as well as support of the U.S. CDC. This will be
complemented by partnership in the MENA represented by the Jordan University of Science and Technology in
Jordan, University of Balamand in Lebanon, Mohamed VI University for Health Sciences in Morocco, and the
WHO Regional Eastern Mediterranean Center for Environmental Health Action located in Amman, Jordan. The
training program will include short term didactics in the form of summer courses, workshops, U.S visits, and
virtual webinars to build individual capacity building. We will build institutional capacity through the addition of
tracks in environmental health to existing masters and PhD programs. We will also have mentored one-on-one
research training on work related to the U01 aims. We will also aim to influence overall awareness about climate
change health impacts among the general health and policy professional community through an annual regional
conference to showcase the hub. This will be a sustainable state-of-art hub to inform policy makers about the
health risks of climate change and the first of its kind to fill in a major gap in this region.
Emission reduction strategies and health: a systematic review on the tools and methods to assess co-benefits.
Authors: Abdala S.A.
, Khomsi K.
, Houdou A.
, El Marouani I.
, El Badisy I.
, Najmi H.
, Obtel M.
, Belyamani L.
, Ibrahimi A.
, Khalis M.
Source: Bmj Open, 2024-12-09 00:00:00.0; 14(12), p. e083214.
EPub date: 2024-12-09 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 39653556
Related Citations
The heat-mortality association in Jordan: Effect modification by greenness, population density and urbanization level.
Authors: Luque-García L.
, Bataineh S.
, Al-Bakri J.
, Abdulla F.A.
, Al-Delaimy W.K.
Source: The Science Of The Total Environment, 2024-11-20 00:00:00.0; 952, p. 176010.
EPub date: 2024-09-02 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 39233083
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A 19-year analysis of hot and cold temperature burdens on mortality in Amman, Jordan.
Authors: Alwadi Y.
, Al-Delaimy W.K.
, Abdulla F.
, Koutrakis P.
, Alahmad B.
Source: The Science Of The Total Environment, 2024-11-15 00:00:00.0; 951, p. 175624.
EPub date: 2024-08-18 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 39163938
Related Citations
Predicting Particulate Matter (PM 10) Levels in Morocco: A 5-Day Forecast Using the Analog Ensemble Method.
Authors: Houdou A.
, Khomsi K.
, Monache L.D.
, Hu W.
, Boutayeb S.
, Belyamani L.
, Abdulla F.
, Al-Delaimy W.K.
, Khalis M.
Source: Research Square, 2024-08-02 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2024-08-02 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 39149506
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A review of large-scale climate indicators (LSCI) and their environmental and health implications in the Mediterranean region.
Authors: Khomsi K.
, Bouakline O.
, Sekmoudi I.
Source: Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health, 2024 Mar; 17(3), p. 581-597.
EPub date: 2023-11-23 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 39268548
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Bridging research-policy gaps: An integrated approach.
Authors: Khomsi K.
, Bouzghiba H.
, Mendyl A.
, Al-Delaimy A.K.
, Dahri A.
, Saad-Hussein A.
, Balaw G.
, El Marouani I.
, Sekmoudi I.
, Adarbaz M.
, et al.
Source: Environmental Epidemiology (philadelphia, Pa.), 2024 Feb; 8(1), p. e281.
EPub date: 2024-01-17 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 38343738
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The Environmental Exposures in Lebanese Infants (EELI) birth cohort: an investigation into the Developmental Origins of Health and Diseases (DOHaD).
Authors: Whaibeh E.
, Mrad-Nakhlé M.
, Aouad N.
, Annesi-Maesano I.
, Abbas N.
, Chaiban C.
, Abi Hanna J.
, Abi Tayeh G.
Source: International Journal Of Environmental Health Research, 2023-07-10 00:00:00.0; , p. 1-12.
EPub date: 2023-07-10 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 37429297
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