Grant Details
Grant Number: |
5R01CA246626-04 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Adler, David |
Organization: |
University Of Rochester |
Project Title: |
Increasing Cervical Cancer Screening Uptake Among Emergency Department Patients |
Fiscal Year: |
2023 |
Cervical cancer (CC) is preventable. Still, only 80% of U.S. women report adherence to CC screening
guidelines. Lower levels of screening are particularly pronounced among racial and ethnic minorities and
patients with lower education levels. The group most likely to be non-adherent with CC screening
guidelines is women who use the emergency department (ED) for their usual source of care. The ED
setting, therefore, is optimal for the deployment of an intervention to promote CC screening. Short Message
Service (SMS) on mobile phones (a.k.a. text messaging) is a low-cost, scalable, and effective means of
delivering health behavior interventions. The vast majority of Americans – 95% – own a cell phone, and an
estimated 98% of all cell phones have texting capabilities. The overarching goal of the proposed project is
to develop a low-cost, scalable SMS intervention to increase CC screening that can be deployed in
heterogenous ED settings. The proposed randomized controlled trial will test the efficacy of an SMS-
based intervention to increase CC screening uptake among ED patients. Step 1 of the approach is to identify
whether the participant is adherent with screening guidelines. Step 2 is to randomize non-adherent participants
to one of the two treatment conditions: (1) referral only (control group) or, (2) referral and an SMS-intervention
consisting of a series of text messages, grounded in behavioral change theory, aimed at generating intention
and motivation to get screened. The investigators’ pilot work demonstrated the feasibility and preliminary
efficacy of the proposed approach. To limit costs and increase the scalability of the intervention, determination
of adherence with screening guidelines via a self-administered questionnaire on a tablet computer will be
evaluated. A total of 1460 non-adherent women, age 21-65, will be recruited from a high-volume urban ED and
a low-volume rural ED, randomized among study conditions, and followed-up at 150 days to assess interval
CC screening uptake. The Specific Aims of the proposed project are, (1) Compare CC screening uptake
between control and intervention groups at follow-up, (2) Compare the impact of in-person (using research
staff) vs. self-administered (using a tablet) determination of CC screening adherence on the efficacy of the
intervention, and (3) Identify mediators and explore moderators of intervention effects on CC screening at
follow-up. The study team has a successful track record of collaboration and combines expertise in CC
prevention, emergency medicine, behavioral science, and oncology. This project leverages the universal
access setting of the ED to target women most at risk for non-adherence with CC screening guidelines. A low-
cost, scalable intervention that is effective in increasing CC screening uptake among this population would
decrease CC incidence and save lives. The next step would be a multi-site effectiveness/implementation trial
using the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) Network.
Low-cost interventions to increase uptake of cervical cancer screening among emergency department patients: Results of a randomized clinical trial.
Authors: Adler D.
, Wood N.
, Fiscella K.
, Mustian K.
, Tourtelot E.
, Merriman J.
, Chamberlin S.
, Abar B.
Source: Academic Emergency Medicine : Official Journal Of The Society For Academic Emergency Medicine, 2025-01-28 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2025-01-28 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 39873883
Related Citations
Evaluating follow-up rates in cancer screening interventions among emergency department patients.
Authors: Mondal T.
, Hernandez-Romero B.
, Wood N.
, Adler D.
, Abar B.
Source: Academic Emergency Medicine : Official Journal Of The Society For Academic Emergency Medicine, 2024-05-14 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2024-05-14 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 38742269
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