Grant Details
Grant Number: |
5R37CA249707-03 Interpret this number |
Primary Investigator: |
Dunbar, Michael |
Organization: |
Rand Corporation |
Project Title: |
Predictors and Consequences of Nicotine and Cannabis Vaping CO-Use in Young Adults: a Longitudinal and Ema Analysis |
Fiscal Year: |
2023 |
Co-use of both tobacco and cannabis products is common among young adults (ages 18-24), and recent
data suggest that rates of co-use may be rising in line with changes in regulatory and retail landscapes for these
drugs (e.g., recreational cannabis legalization; the spread of “vape shops” nationwide). This is a serious public
health problem, as individuals who engage in co-use –especially those who use tobacco and cannabis on the
same use occasion (e.g., mixed together in the same delivery device)– may use both drugs more heavily and
show poorer functional outcomes in domains such as mental health and physical ailments. Although the vast
majority of studies on co-use to date have focused on combustible products, the rising popularity of electronic
nicotine delivery systems and similar devices to “vape” nicotine and cannabis (hereafter, vaping products) has
led to novel methods for co-using these drugs. This is concerning because although less risky to health than
combustible products, vaping is not harm-free. Yet, little is known about daily patterns, correlates, and
consequences of nicotine and cannabis vaping co-use in young people. The current study will address these
substantial gaps in the knowledge base by 1) using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) to assess daily
patterns of nicotine and cannabis vaping and product co-use and 2) leveraging 13 years of annual survey data
spanning early adolescence through emerging adulthood to examine predictors and consequences associated
with young adults’ patterns of nicotine/cannabis vaping in daily life. We plan to recruit 240 participants from
the ongoing, multi-wave STRATA cohort study of ~ 2,500 young people based primarily in California, for
which annual data on substance use and other risk factors has been collected since 2008. We will use EMA
administered via a smartphone application over a three-week period to assess daily patterns of
nicotine/cannabis vaping, examine within- and across-day situational factors and functioning associated with
nicotine/cannabis vaping. We will also link EMA data with longitudinal STRATA survey data to examine
prospective associations between risk factors in adolescence and real-world (EMA) patterns of
nicotine/cannabis vaping in young adulthood. Finally, we will compare findings for individuals who engage in
co-use of both nicotine and cannabis vaping products (NV+CV; n=80) against those who vape nicotine only
(NV; n=80) or cannabis only (CV; n=80) to explore how patterns, predictors, and consequences of co-use
may differ from single-product use. Findings from this study will significantly improve the understanding of
factors associated with nicotine and cannabis vaping in young adults and can inform regulatory efforts and the
development of prevention/ intervention programs to mitigate potential harms associated with use of these
novel drug delivery systems.
Parallel trajectories of vaping and smoking cannabis and their associations with mental and physical well-being among young adults.
Authors: Dunbar M.S.
, Davis J.P.
, Tucker J.S.
, Seelam R.
, Rodriguez A.
, D'Amico E.J.
Source: Drug And Alcohol Dependence, 2023-10-01 00:00:00.0; 251, p. 110918.
EPub date: 2023-08-09 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 37611482
Related Citations
Examining indirect effects of advertising exposure on young adults' cannabis and nicotine vaping.
Authors: DiGuiseppi G.T.
, Dunbar M.S.
, Tucker J.S.
, Rodriguez A.
, Messan Setodji C.
, Davis J.P.
, D'Amico E.J.
Source: Psychology Of Addictive Behaviors : Journal Of The Society Of Psychologists In Addictive Behaviors, 2023-04-10 00:00:00.0; , .
EPub date: 2023-04-10 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 37036697
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