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Grant Details

Grant Number: 1K08CA259632-01 Interpret this number
Primary Investigator: Stevens, Courtney
Organization: Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic
Project Title: Increasing Physical Activity Among Breast Cancer Survivors: Use of the Orbit Model to Refine and Test a Novel Approach to Exercise Promotion Based on Affect-Regulation
Fiscal Year: 2021


PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The goal of this K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award is to prepare the candidate for an independent research career Breast cancer survivors who exercise regularly in behavioral oncology and health behavior intervention science. post-cancer diagnosis are less likely to die from cancer and even modest increases in physical activity (≥ related mortality. However, longitudinal studies show significant declines in exercise engagement during the 12- 15 minutes/week) yield clinically meaningful reductions in breast cancer- months post-diagnosis, with most breast cancer survivors never fully returning to pre-diagnosis activity levels. The candidate proposes an innovative approach, based on affect-regulation, to addressing physical inactivity as a public health risk factor negatively impacting breast cancer survivorship. The training and mentoring plan is designed to provide knowledge and skills in (1) early-phase intervention development, (2) intensive longitudinal data collection and analysis methods, (3) randomized clinical trial design, and (4) professional development. The proposed research will refine an affect-regulated exercise prescription strategy (Affect-Rx) for use with physically inactive breast cancer survivors (Aim 1), test for proof-of-concept the effect of Affect-Rx on clinically meaningful moderate-vigorous physical activity participation post-intervention, operationalized as ≥ 90 mins/week (Aim 2), and quantify the strength of within-person associations between affective factors and total physical activity (Aim 3). The candidate will use the milestones for early-phase intervention development established by the Obesity- Related Behavioral Intervention Trials (ORBIT) two studies. In both studies, participants’ daily Model to guide the methods and outcomes to be tested across affective feeling states and physical activity will be measured using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and accelerometry at baseline and 2-, 6- and 12-weeks follow- up. The Affect-Rx strategy will be refined for acceptability in Study 1 (N = 20) and tested (with refinements) in Study 2 (N = 60). In consultation with her team of mentors and scientific advisors, the candidate will use the training, the results of the research, and the ORBIT intervention development framework to systematically guide the next steps in this affect-based physical activity promotion line of work and submit her first R01 proposal.


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