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Grant Details

Grant Number: 1U01CA246567-01A1 Interpret this number
Primary Investigator: Landier, Wendy
Organization: University Of Alabama At Birmingham
Project Title: Implementation of a Provider-Focused Intervention for Maximizing HPV Vaccine Uptake in Young Cancer Survivors Receiving Follow-Up Care in Pediatric Oncology Practices: a Cluster-Randomized Trial
Fiscal Year: 2020


PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT Childhood cancer survivors are at high risk for developing new cancers (such as cervical and anal cancer) caused by persistent infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). An effective vaccine exists that can prevent these cancers, but uptake of the HPV vaccine is low among young cancer survivors (fewer than 1 in 4 have received the vaccine). Lack of a healthcare provider recommendation for the HPV vaccine is the most common reason that cancer survivors fail to get the HPV vaccine. Strategies that are most successful in increasing HPV vaccine uptake in the general population focus on improving healthcare provider knowledge about the HPV vaccine, enhancing the skills that healthcare providers need to effectively recommend the vaccine to young people and their parents, and reducing barriers to receiving the vaccine. This proposed research will evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of an evidence-based intervention, adapted for use by healthcare providers in pediatric oncology clinics, to increase the uptake of HPV vaccine among young cancer survivors (9 to 17 years of age and at least one year off-therapy). If the intervention is effective in improving and sustaining increased uptake of the HPV vaccine in young cancer survivors, this study will contribute important information needed to move forward with testing the widespread use of the intervention in pediatric oncology practices. This proposed research addresses improving healthcare delivery and clinical outcomes for cancer survivors through prevention of HPV-associated cancers, which are high-priority research areas for the National Cancer Institute.


Hub and spoke framework for study of surgical centralization within United States health systems.
Authors: Broman K. , Richman J. , Ross E. , Zengul F. , Weech-Maldonado R. , Bhatia S. .
Source: American Journal Of Surgery, 2023 Oct; 226(4), p. 524-530.
EPub date: 2023-05-04 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 37156679
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Implementation of a provider-focused intervention for maximizing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake in young cancer survivors receiving follow-up care in pediatric oncology practices: protocol for a cluster-randomized trial of the HPV PROTECT intervention.
Authors: Landier W. , Bhatia S. , Richman J.S. , Campos Gonzalez P.D. , Cherven B. , Chollette V. , Aye J. , Castellino S.M. , Gramatges M.M. , Lindemulder S. , et al. .
Source: Bmc Pediatrics, 2022-09-12 00:00:00.0; 22(1), p. 541.
EPub date: 2022-09-12 00:00:00.0.
PMID: 36096775
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