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DCCPS Grants Awarded in Response to an NIH PA/PAR Initiative

Initiative: Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21)
Total Grants: 11   Total Dollars: $4,059,297

PI Name Organization Name Project Title
(Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.)
Grant Number Abstract Page URL
Barkin, Shari Vanderbilt University Adaptation of A Prevention-Treatment (ADAPT) Program: Reducing Cancer Risk for Families with Young Children 1R21CA197344-01
Brownson, Ross C Washington University A Cross-Country Comparison of Evidence-Based Prevention of Cancer 1R21CA179932-01A1
Dy, Sydney Morss Johns Hopkins University Evaluation of Implementation of Point-of-Care Palliative Care Quality Measures 1R21CA197362-01A1
Lee, Rebekka Mairghread Harvard School of Public Health Effective Training Models for Implementing Health-Promoting Practices Afterschool 1R21CA201567-01A1
Lobb, Rebecca Washington University Implementation of Patient Navigation in Rural Areas After an Abnormal Mammogram 1R21CA181684-01A1
Lobb, Rebecca Washington University Understanding Variability in Success of Quality Improvement for Colonoscopy 1R21CA184282-01
Pollack, Craig Evan Johns Hopkins University The Impact of Provider Social Networks on Breast Cancer Screening 1R21CA194194-01A1
Ramaswamy, Megha University of Kansas Medical Center Correctional and Public Health Links to Bolster HPV Vaccine and Cancer Prevention 1R21CA204767-01
Robinson, June K Northwestern University at Chicago Training primary care physicians to perform melanoma opportunistic surveillance 1R21CA182725-01A1
Rogers, Laura Q University of Alabama at Birmingham Find your BEAT: Toolkit to increase physical activity in rural cancer survivors 1R21CA182601-01A1
Staras, Stephanie A S University of Florida Maximizing HPV vaccination: Real-time Reminders, Guidance, and Recommendations 1R21CA202011-01
Last Updated: November 25, 2024
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