DCCPS Grants Awarded in Response to an NIH PA/PAR Initiative
Initiative: Time-Sensitive Obesity Policy and Program Evaluation (R01)
Total Grants: 3 Total Dollars: $7,730,852
PI Name | Organization Name | Project Title (Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.) |
Grant Number | Abstract Page URL |
Huang, Terry T-K | Cuny Graduate Sch and Univ Ctr | Impact of Park Renovations on Physical Activity and Community Health in NYC | 1R01CA206877-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=9137836&term=CA206877 |
Ory, Marcia G | Texas A&M University Health Science Ctr | Physical Activity Impacts of a Planned Activity-Friendly Community: The What, Where, When and Why of Environmental Approaches to Obesity Prevention | 1R01CA197761-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8948890&term=CA197761 |
Sharpe, Patricia A | University of South Carolina at Columbia | Evaluating a food hub's impact on food access, diet and weight in a food desert | 1R01CA180336-01 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8595756&term=CA180336 |