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DCCPS Grants Awarded in Response to an NIH PA/PAR Initiative

Initiative: Obesity Policy Research: Evaluation and Measures (R03)
Total Grants: 4   Total Dollars: $613,318

PI Name Organization Name Project Title
(Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.)
Grant Number Abstract Page URL
Abraham, Jean M University of Minnesota Initiation and Maintenance of Regular Exercise in an Employer Wellness Program 1R03CA173558-01
Jilcott, Stephanie B East Carolina University Examining the association between obesity and access to farmers markets 1R03CA155362-01A1
Pasch, Keryn Elizabeth University Of Texas Austin Unhealthy Food and Beverage Advertising Around Schools 1R03CA158962-01
Sturm, Roland Rand Corporation Neighborhood Environments and Diet: Evaluating the Fast Food Ban in Los Angeles 1R03CA173040-01
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