DCCPS Grants Awarded in Response to an NIH PA/PAR Initiative
Initiative: Mitochondria in Cancer Epidemiology, Detection, Diagnosis and Prognosis (R01)
Total Grants: 2 Total Dollars: $4,095,492
PI Name | Organization Name | Project Title (Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.) |
Grant Number | Abstract Page URL |
Cook, Linda S. | University of New Mexico Health Scis Ctr | Mitochondrial DNA and Ovarian Cancer Risk and Survival | 1R01CA160669-01A1 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8296141&term=CA160669 |
Gross, Myron D. | University of Minnesota | An Integrated Study of Mitochondrial Pathways in Colorectal Cancer | 1R01CA172555-01A1 | https://maps.cancer.gov/overview/DCCPSGrants/abstract.jsp?applId=8575906&term=CA172555 |