Grant Listing
Search Criteria:
Fiscal Year:
NCI Division: Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
Grants Awarded to: Foreign Institutions
PI Name | Organization Name | Project Title (Click for Abstract, Pubs, etc.) |
Grant Number | Awarded Dollars | Abstract Page URL |
Bediako, Yaw | Yemaachi Biotech | SAMBAI - Yemaachi Biotech | 1OT2CA297766-01 | 234901 | |
Cortes Ciriano, Isidro | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | SAMBAI: Societal, Ancestry, Molecular and Biological Analyses of Inequalities (CGC) | 1OT2CA297567-01 | 201118 | |
Dlamini, Zodwa | University of Pretoria | Societal, Ancestry, Molecular AND Biological Analyses Of Inequalities (SAMBAI) | 1OT2CA297512-01 | 70827 | |
Froeling, Fieke | University of Glasgow | SAMBAI: Societal, Ancestry, Molecular and Biological Analyses of Inequalities - University of Glasgow | 1OT2CA297465-01 | 56018 | |
Jenkins, Mark A | University of Melbourne | Colon Cancer Family Registry Cohort | 5U01CA167551-13 | 1619489 | |
Kanth, Sheeba | King's College London | C07 - Societal, Ancestry, Molecular and Biological Analyses of Inequalities: SAMBAI | 1OT2CA297417-01 | 99667 | |
Kumie, Abera Takele | Addis Ababa University | Global Environmental and Occupational Health Research and Training for Eastern Africa | 5U01TW010094-08 | 250000 | |
Mckay, James Dowling | International Agency for Res on Cancer | InterLymph Consortium: interrogating pleiotropy and gene by environment interactions among hematopoietic malignancies. | 5U01CA257679-04 | 510942 | |
Michie, Susan | University College London | Accelerating Behavioral and Social Sciences through Ontology Development and Application: NIH Research Network Project (APRICOT). | 1U01CA291884-01 | 501479 | |
Mongan, Nigel | University of Nottingham | Societal, Ancestry, Molecular and Biological Analyses of Inequalities: SAMBAI | 1OT2CA297505-01 | 69931 | |
Parkinson, Helen Elizabeth | European Molecular Biology Laboratory | Strengthening community knowledge bases for genetic association studies and polygenic scores, the GWAS and PGS Catalogs | 5U24HG012542-03 | 117600 | |
Schubauer-Berigan, Mary K. | International Agency for Res on Cancer | IARC Monographs on the Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans | 5R01CA033193-42 | 940741 | |
Sheikh, Mahdi | International Agency for Res on Cancer | The Opioid Cohort Consortium (OPICO) to investigate the effects of using opioids on cancer risk | 1U01CA289226-01 | 586334 | |
Sung, Lillian | Hospital for Sick Chldrn (TORONTO) | Symptom Screening Linked to Care Pathways for Children with Cancer: a Cluster Randomized Trial | 5R01CA251112-05 | 434020 | |